So yesterday I went to see Klaxons with some friends. So we were packed with glow sticks, booze and a sense of excitement.
Unlucky us had to get seated tickets, but on the bright side, we were going and our seats were right at the front. Great view infact. So yeah, onto the bands.
Crystal Castles
First support were the mysterious duo from Canada. These played a nice set with an awesome remix of Atlantic to Interzone. The only problem was that it was quite a short set, would have loved to see more.
Simian Mobile Disco
Though I'd heard these alot before the event and I like their music, they weren't the best. On the other hand they had a decent set and one of the best light shows I've ever seen.
Of course, the venue was on a major high at this point and it got alot better. Great opener with 'Bouncer' which led on to an amazing set. Seriously, if this set was a girl, I'd totally do her.
Even in the seated area it was a great atmosphere and no one was sitting. It was intenseeeee.
Brilliant closer with 'Four Horsemen of 2012'.
Definite 10/10
Edit: Better picture. :D
YEAH!! was awesome :D :D
True dat.